I started attending the new campus(the bigger one) last February.
Normal school life. nothing special.
Everyday, chatting with friends, attending lessons and having awesome grades in tests and assignments.
Yes, its been boring. The same routine everyday, nothing changed no challenges.
Until something happened that made it all as interesting as ever.
Firstly, i hated my class at the start of the year but as time passed, i came to like it.
love it even. They're very fun and funny people.
But no, my story isn't about them. My story is about a boy, a guy that i met in the most unexpected way.
One thing you should know, i loose a lot of things.
I lost my ipod on the train while im on the way to school.
I trip on nothing, one time i tripped while throwing something in the bin or running on flat ground.
Another thing, most important for me, is my wallet. I loose it a lot of times. A LOT. not once, not twice not even thrice!
That's right, this is where i start my story about this guy. My wallet.
I've lost my wallet a ton of times and it always came back to me. pretty lucky i know! but this time, it wasn't really me who lost it. It was hidden by a friend. (Maybe i should thank him now! tehee)
Having found out that my best friend is in the same IT class as me, i was ecstatic! i was thrilled as ever. Every time in IT we would muck around and email each other even if we're already next to each other. Not only, that we have fun but other people like to make fun of me! (not in a bad way. just joking and all)
My friend while i wasn't looking hid my wallet behind the computers. My other friend knew but she didn't tell me! I did not realize at all that my wallet was missing! well, until the subject ended and i went to my locker finding that my wallet was nowhere in sight!
I asked around if anyone has seen my wallet and i was starting to panic like i always do! but in my heart, i was hoping that it would come back to me or someone would just come up and say they were joking !
BUT. it didn't happen.
My other friend told me that it was hidden behind the computers since she saw my friend put it there. So she came with me and ran to the IT room we just had our lesson in.
There was already a class in there and i didn't know what to do anymore.
i think i was hyperventilating! and about to cry. TT_TT
My other friend asked the teacher and so the teacher asked the students!
but no one knew. sadly.
I was outside the door crying/teary and saw this GUY have like a brownish thing on his hand.
He was talking to his friend and when they both kind of saw me, not known to them that i was looking, shoved it in.
First. I thought it was my wallet.
Second. What if isnt?! i can't tell the teacher. sighs.
Third. My mum is going to kill me. It's a GUESS wallet.
The GUY who shoved the brown thing in his bag, ran out of the classroom to get the roll.
And his other friend just sat down.
So, since the teacher asked again and showed that i was crying/teary but no one said that they saw it.
So, i decided to leave it at that. I just left the room and started to cry.
My other friend who was with me told me to tell the co-ordinators but i didn't.
For some odd reason. i had a GUT feeling that it was that GUY who took it.
But wasn't sure and thought i should not jump into conclusions.
And for some reason, i didn't want him to get in trouble and just give it back.
Besides, if i told the co-ordinators, my friend would be in trouble for hidning it away.
So i went home and well, tried to come up with a plan on how to tell my mum.
I went home, logged into MYSPACE (facebook then was not yet popular)
Then BAM!